Replication Frequency is a type of replication scheduling that runs replication jobs based on a time interval you specify.

In this guide, we’ll cover:

Replication Frequency availability

Replication Frequency is available for all database and SaaS integrations.

How Replication Frequency works

The Replication Frequency setting, found in the Integration Settings page, defines how often Stitch will attempt to extract data from an integration. For example: If set to 30 minutes, Stitch will attempt to connect to and extract data from the integration every 30 minutes.

Initial (historical) replication jobs

After you define and save the integration, Stitch will update the integration’s Sync Status to Pending. This status indicates that Stitch is in the process of scheduling a replication job for the integration.

Note: For newly created integrations, scheduling a replication job can take up to 30 minutes. You can also manually start a job, but note that this will determine how ongoing replication jobs are scheduled.

Ongoing replication jobs

Ongoing replication jobs are scheduled based on the start time of the previous job.

If a job runs over into the next recurrence of the selected Replication Frequency, it will be skipped. Jobs will resume at the next Replication Frequency interval. Refer to the next section for an example.

Example schedules using Replication Frequency

Example 1: Schedule using a 6 hour Replication Frequency

In this example, we’ll look at the potential schedule for an integration with a Replication Frequency of 6 hours.

Based on these settings, Stitch will kick off a replication job every 6 hours. The schedule for this integration might look like this:

Job # Start Time (EST) Start Time (UTC)
1 09:00:00 13:00:00
2 15:00:00 19:00:00
3 21:00:00 01:00:00
4 03:00:00 07:00:00
5 09:00:00 13:00:00

Example 2: Long-running and skipped jobs

In this example, we’ll look at how a job can be skipped due to a previously long-running job. This can occur when a job takes longer to run than the selected Replication Frequency.

Based on these settings, Stitch will kick off a replication job every hour. The schedule for this integration might look like this:

Job # Start Time (EST) Start Time (UTC) End Time (EST) Duration
1 02:30:00 18:30:00 03:25:00 55 minutes
2 03:30:00 19:30:00 04:38:00 68 minutes
3 Job is skipped -
4 5:30:00 21:30:00 06:21:00 51 minutes
5 06:30:00 22:30:00 07:01:00 31 minutes

In this example, Job 3 (scheduled for 04:30:00) was skipped because Job 2 took longer than the Replication Frequency (1 hour/60 minutes) to complete. Replication then resumed on the next recurrence of the Replication Frequency, which was at 05:30:00.

Note: Stitch doesn’t currently send or display notifications when a job is skipped.

Create an interval schedule for an integration

You can create an interval schedule using Replication Frequency in an integration’s Settings page.

  1. To access this page, click the integration from the Stitch Dashboard and then click the Settings tab.
  2. In the Replication Frequency section, uncheck the Use integration default checkbox.
  3. Using the slider, select the Replication Frequency interval you want the schedule to use.
  4. When finished, click the Save Integration button.

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